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Have you shopped enough over the last week? Have you eaten enough over the last week? I have and if you're like me you could use some serious relief. Hi this is Matt Appleby here to tell you more about Kingston of Ashland and their Wellness Programs. Did all that running around over Thanksgiving make your arthritis flare up? Did you notice that your marathon Black Friday shopping trip ended way earlier than usual? Consider participating in the wellness programs at Kingston of Ashland. These are water and land classes offered to the entire Ashland community and surrounding areas. There's water arthritis classes designed to improve joint flexibility and reduce pain and stiffness, and water aerobics focusing on improving cardio fitness, muscle strength and endurance. Wait, Water Therapy? Yes! Kingston of Ashland has a therapy pool which is unique for a skilled nursing facility. Here's the best part. There are several different classes available. You can try any one class for free, after which very afforable fees apply. Take advantage of the Wellness Programs at Kingston of Ashland! Visit www.kingstonhealthcare.com.