Mansfield's Veteran's Day Parade

The Mansfield Veteran’s Day Parade will kick off at the 5-way light at 10:30 am Monday, Nov. 11 

The parade will form at 10 am on Marion Ave. between the 5-way light back to Wood St. and travel down Park Ave West to Central Park and end at the Gazebo.

At 10:50 am the 40 & 8 Boxcar will fire off 11 volleys, 1 per minute to honor all veterans. Immediately after the 11 volleys are fired the Veterans Day ceremony will start at the Gazebo at 11 am.

The Parade honoring our U.S. Veteran’s is always held in the 11th month, the 11th day and on the 11th hour.

The Grand Marshall and featured speaker during the Veteran’s Day program will be Colonel Troy Cramer, Mission Support Commander.

There will be 30-35 units marching in the parade this year. Along with area Veteran’s groups, marching bands from Mansfield Senior High School, St. Peter’s High School and Clear Fork High School, an assortment of fire trucks and military equipment  and other area groups.

In case of rain, the Veteran’s Day service will be held at AMVETS, Post # 26 at 1100 West Fourth Street

Dennis Hempfield is the Parade Marshal for the Mansfield Veteran’s Day Parade, any questions call - 419-884-2089

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