Thanks To EverDry of Toledo The Christmas Train Has A New Home For 2020!

Hi this is Matt Appleby! On behalf of EverDry Waterproofing of Toledo I'd like to wish you a very Merry Christmas! This could be the year you give your friends, family and your home the gift you've all been waiting for. A clean, dry waterproofed basement. EverDry Waterproofing of Toledo now serves Mansfield and the surrounding counties. I partnered with EverDry Waterproofing to help us reclaim our basement with their multi-step system. They provided us with their DuraShield wall panels in exchange for these testimonials. You've put it off long enough. It's time for you to take action to reclaim your basement. It's a much more affordable way to add space to your home then building an addition. After all the space is already there. It just needs to be waterproofed. EverDry Waterproofing of Toledo is the company to do it. When they are done and you've said goodbye to your damp, musty, moldy basement you have a blank slate to create the room of your dreams. And yes, for us, a portion of our basement has already been spoken for and a spot designated for the Christmas train next year. Schedule your inspection today at 419-469-1780 and use promo code 101.3 when scheduling your inspection. Learn more at

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