Can We Count On You to Cancel COVID-19?


Our Unified Effort Will Make All The Difference

Richland County, OH — The Richland County Unified Messaging Team has launched the “Count On Me Richland County”campaign in an effort to keep the Richland County community up-to-date about COVID-19 facts, suggested guidelines, updates, local impact and ways to support ourselves and each other as we all work to CANCEL COVID in our community.

Lead by Dr. Julie Chaya at Richland Public Health, the Richland County Unified Messaging Team includes area leaders and communication experts from Destination Mansfield-Richland County, DRM Productions, Integrity Project Management, OhioHealth Mansfield, Richland Area Chamber & Economic Development, and the Richland County Foundation combining their resources to serve Richland County in this unusual time.

“The Count On Me Richland County unified messaging campaign is here to remind everyone in the community that our local agencies, businesses, and organizations are here to support, protect, serve, educate, and care for you during the pandemic or any other challenging time,” Dr. Chaya said. “However, we need to be able to count on you to help us reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Richland County by wearing a face mask when out in public, social distancing, and frequent handwashing.”

Through billboards, social media and other marketing outlets, #CountOnMeRC provides reminders of what each of us can do to affect COVID-19, what the current risk levels are, and what additional measures will continue to reduce the Coronavirus impact. The unified message also has a website for more information at

County Commissioner Marilyn John said “It’s been wonderful partnering with agencies from around Richland County to share important information on our local response to the Coronavirus pandemic.”

The Count On Me Richland County campaign encourages community members to continue COVID-19 prevention practices and to support our local schools, organizations, and businesses.

“We are proud to live in Richland County, a community that has a long history of taking care of its own during challenging times. We know we can count on each other once again. If we each do what we can, the only thing that will be canceled next year is COVID-19” said Jodie Perry, President & CEO of the Richland Area Chamber & Economic Development.

While the COVID-19 vaccine is beginning to be distributed throughout Ohio to healthcare workers and individuals with the highest risk of contracting the virus, the spread of COVID-19 in Richland County is still high. Everyone needs to take personal responsibility and continue to wear your masks, social distance, wash our hands, and stay home as much as possible.

Visit to review what you know, find out what is new and see how we can Count On You! Follow Richland Public Health on Facebook and spread the word using the hashtags #CANCELCOVID and #CountOnMeRC.

If you would like more information about, please call Dr. Julie Chaya at 419- 744-0806, or email

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