The Power Of A Song! "Fancy Like" Returns Treat To Applebee's Menu

Have you heard the song "Fancy Like"? If you have you probably made a bee-line to Applebee's to, as the song suggests, have an Oreo shake! Sadly you found out that the Oreo shake had disappeared from the menu. Thanks to the Walker Hayes song and the listeners' response, it's coming back! I know for a fact the conversations between patrons and servers went something like "I love that new Applebee's song! Have you heard it? No! Well it goes like_____(customer sings) We're fancy like Applebee's on a date night. Got the Bourbon Street Steak with an Oreo Shake. Got the whipped cream on the top, too. Two straws, one check , girl I got you." And by now , the customers might even break out the dance that goes with the song. It features Walker Hayes and his wife dancing to the track in a TikTok video.

If you have a hankering for an Oreo shake, it pairs nicely with any menu item at The Bee's but I suggested you check with your server or bartender and see if they are restocked with the Oreo's. And if they aren't hip to "Fancy Like" feel free to break out in song. It goes a little something like this...

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