Local Teen Is One To Watch In Renaissance Production Of 'Spamalot'

Zakari Ramos as "Patsy" in 'Spamalot'

Photo: Matt Appleby

He's only 13-years old yet all signs point to a brilliant showbiz future for Mansfielder Zakari Ramos. Ramos is cast as Patsy in the Renaissance Theatre's production of 'Monty Python's Spamalot' that opens this Saturday. In the musical, Patsy's job is to "gallop" behind the horseless Knights of the Roundtable rhythmically clapping coconut shells together to simulate the sound of horses' hooves. Ramos nails the role showing a skill level at dancing and singing not normally seen in a performer his age. Ramos is also a featured performer in the musical number "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" sung with Beau Roberts as King Arthur.

Zakari Ramos as "Patsy" in 'Spamalot'

Photo: Matt Appleby

Ramos is a seventh grader at Mansfield Spanish Immersion School. His love for Broadway Musicals developed in a home filled with music primarily Broadway musical soundtracks. Among Ramos' favorites are 'Newsies' in which was a cast member in a 2018 Renaissance production. It's 'Newsies' that sparked Zakari's love for musical theatre. Zakari is also a fan of 'Hairspray', 'West Side Story' and 'In The Heights'. His dream role would be to play the lead in 'Spongebob The Musical' though 'Spongebob' is not a show he was permitted to watch at home.

Zakari Ramos as "Patsy" in 'Spamalot'

Photo: Matt Appleby

I suppose Ramos can't help but be adept at musical theatre, or at least the dancing part, as his parents are both dance instructors at Richland Academy of the Arts. Ramos said his goal is to someday make it onto a Broadway stage but for now he is happy to be on The Ren stage doing shows here. As far as advice for other are youngsters who might like to perform in plays and musicals, this humble young lad said they should "keep following their dreams and if they try hard enough, they'll happen"!

Zakari Ramos as "Patsy" in 'Spamalot'

Photo: Matt Appleby

'Spamalot' will be presented at the Renaissance Theatre in Mansfield March 5th, 6th, 12th and 13th. For tickets, show times and theatre policies visit www.rentickets.org.

'Spamalot' as presented at the Renaissance Theatre.

Photo: Matt Appleby

Thank you to the Renaissance Theatre for hosting Media Night and giving us a preview of a few of the show's musical numbers. We'll see you this weekend for the full show. - Matt Appleby

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