The Richland County 4-H program held its spring public speaking contest at the Richland County Longview Center on Tuesday, April 26, 2022.Extension Educator Dr. Judy Villard Overocker welcomed youth participants, parents and 4-H volunteers to the event. Villard Overocker remarked that “Each division of this public speaking contest focuses on refining public speaking skills for the 4-H members. The skills learned and practiced now will benefit all of these youth when they become adults”.
Winners of the 4-H Pledge: 1st Marissa Barciz (Mansfield), 2nd – Emma Kleman (Shelby), 3rd – Bryson Bays (Ashland).
Winner of the 4-H Prepared Speaking: 1st – Kaley Bowman (Mansfield); 2nd – Maylanna Gamble (Mansfield); 3rd – Sofia Johnson (Mansfield).
Winner of the Intermediate Demonstration Contest: Sawyer Eshelman (Shelby). Sawyer will be invited to participate at the Ohio State Fair in August.
Outstanding Speaker Award (special judges award) for the overall contest included:Natalie Adkins, Bryson Bays, Emma Kleman and Marissa Barciz
Judges for the 4-H event included Mary K Steele, Diane Larrick, Robert Rhea and Gloria Franklin.
Major donors for this public speaking contests were the Greenslade Family, Charles Miller & Associates, Auctioneers, Abbott Family – Ian, Faith, Carson & Emily Eidt, the Beverage Family and Chad Kirkpatrick/Amy Secor.
Public speaking skills are one of the important abilities 4-H members learn through study and practice in the Richland County 4-H program. Many current 4-H club members go beyond the club level and participate in Richland County’s spring public speaking contest. In addition, some youth will be invited to participate at a state level competition.
Here are all of the contestants in the 2022 Richland County 4-H Public Speaking Contest.
Here are the results:
Public Speaking Contest Participants:
Sawyer Eshelman – Demonstration winner
Kaley Bowman – Prepared Speech “What 4-H Means to Me” winner
Mahsii Gamble – Prepared Speech “What 4-H Means to Me”
Maylanna Gamble - Prepared Speech “What 4-H Means to Me” 2nd place
Sofi Johnson – Prepared Speech “What 4-H Means to Me” 3rd place
Bryson Bays – Pledge 3rd place and outstanding speaker
Emma Kleman – Pledge 2nd place and outstanding speaker
Marissa Barciz – Pledge 1st place and outstanding speaker
Natalie Adkins – Pledge Outstanding Speaker
Mariah Barciz – Pledge
Cody Wolford – Pledge
Evelyn Gerber – Pledge
Levi Rabquer – Pledge
Amiah Noe – Pledge
Alice Lux – Pledge
Dominick Rollison – Pledge