How Early Is Too Early To Shop For Christmas?

Photo: Getty Images

Are you ready for Christmas yet? I would not be surprised if a large percentage of you said yes. I know people who, before the calendar turns to fall, have completed their Christmas shopping and have the gifts wrapped. That takes incredible will power and planning that I don't have.

It used to be, around our house when we were little, Christmas season began when the Sears Wishbook arrived. Then we made our lists and circled key items in the catalog hoping Santa would come through with the goods. Now Christmas decorations can be spotted for sale in some stores well before Halloween and the Wishbook has been replaced with year round online shopping.

I prefer to have the Christmas tree decorated by Thanksgiving to allow dinner guests to enjoy our home and give the grandkids more time to play with the Christmas Train. In some ways it makes sense to get a big head start on the holidays considering how hectic they've become. I remember many a Christmas Eve where we were up waaaaay past midnight, still wrapping presents for our family. There were times that late night toy assembly was part of the process. An earlier start could ease the stress.

On the other hand, I do enjoy mall shopping with the music and the decorations and the timely sale prices. Sorry, not sorry, that I'm not ready to sing Christmas Carols in September. I'm so torn! Let the spirit of the actual season inspire and drive me or get it all done now and maybe I can breath easy and quietly enjoy the twinkling of the lights. Old procrastination habits die hard. Compared to other people, I already feel behind schedule! Good luck to you this Holiday season.

Tell me, what's the status of your Christmas preparation? Let me know at

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