I can't think of a day in my life that hasn't had music in it. Whether It be coming from the television, my smart phone (I was just listening to a Live Weird Al concert this morning), the clock radio, the car radio or as part of my job at iHeartRadio. I've always said that if I accidentally hear my favorite band then I know it's going to be a great day. Most of the time music makes me happy, it lifts my spirits. Sometimes a certain melody or lyric can knock me for a loop and turn me into a blubbering mess. It might make me think of someone close to me or someone I lost. It can be painful. It can be joyous. I know this, I don't want to live without its therapeutic effects.
Board Certified Music Therapist for UH's Connor Whole Health and Samaritan Hospital Rebekah Smith
Today I spoke with Board Certified Music Therapist for University Hospital's Connor Whole Health and Samaritan Hospital Rebekah Smith who has created a Community Music Therapy Group. Smith describes it as music therapy services provided to the community in a group setting. Smith says she uses different music therapy interventions to address mental processing, emotional processing, verbal processing, and opportunities for self expression, self expression through instrument play, and to even receive the music through guided meditation, singing and group discussion. Smith wants the Ashland area community to know that they they are not alone and that this free service is available if they need it. Smith's first Community Music Therapy Group meeting is Wednesday October 26th from 3 to 4pm at 663 East Main Street in Ashland. Everyone is welcome and the service is free. For more information contact Rebekah Smith at Rebekah.Smith@UHhospitals.org.