We're home, we're bored, we're rocking out to:
Bread Paisley
Buns N’ Roses
Luke Fryin
Fleetwood Big Mac
Luke HoneyCombs
Bread Zeppelin
Morgan Waffle
Crosby, Stills and Hash
Hash Brown Band
Grain Day
Lady AnteJelly
Motley Croutons
Sam Bundt
Picnic! At The Disco
Casserole Underwood
Arctic Munchies
Kenny Cheeseney
Rage Against the Macaroni
Blake Shellfish
Thirty Seconds to Mars Bars
Justin Moore Please
Oreo Speedwagon
Jason Albean Salad
Gladys Knight and the Chips
Thomas Vinagrette
Here are some more for your consideration:
- KFC and the Sunshine Band
- Bob Marley and the Waffles
- Salmon & Garfunkel
- Hall and Oatmeal
- The Almond Brothers
- The Rolling Scones
- Dairy QUEEN