Dad Loves You But...Don't Buy Him These Gifts For Fathers Day

First of all let me say that, as a dad, I'd be happy with no gift. I just want to spend time with my Daughter, Son-In-Law and Grandkids. If they happen to come up with something homemade that would be awesome! If the gift is something that was the result of advanced planning and had a lot of thought put into it, that's really nice, too. But really what do I really need? In all honesty I did drop a couple of hints. I need a new lunch box and new rechargeable batteries for my grass trimmer. If anyone is thinking since I got a new grill I need grill tools...nope I'm good on those. Just a nice day with the kids, that's all I need.

As far as your Dad is concerned let me pass along this recommendation. If you bought your dad clothes as a gift for Father's Day, you can go ahead and take it right back to the store. One thousand dads were surveyed by Coupon Lawn and asked what gifts they DO NOT want for Father's Day. Number one on that list (33%) was clothes. 30% said they do not want greeting cards. That's a waste of at least five bucks. Other gifts dads don't want include books and personal care items. Seriously how many toe nail clippers does one man need in a lifetime? The most wanted gifts? A special outing, electronics, and tools. 

Give the gift of time!

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