Surprise! The Worst Drivers In The US Are Not In Ohio! They're In...

Police officer sitting in cruiser

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When the topic of bad driving comes up I have to be careful not to confuse that with stressful areas or cities to drive through. Bad drivers or not, I don't like driving through heavy traffic in a large city. My travels are mostly limited to Ohio's three C's...Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati. I've white-knuckled my way through Chicago and just missed getting side wiped in the Myrtle Beach area. I've had my share of close calls and near misses with drivers everywhere who don't obey the posted speed limits, the ever-present distracted or sleepy driver, even the drunk drivers. Then there was that time a wheel fell off my vehicle but that wasn't because of bad driving, just a bad mechanic. The point is, learn to be a defensive driver, if you aren't already, because bad drivers are everywhere; especially in... (-Matt Appleby)

The worst drivers in the country ... Jacksonville, Florida is home to one million people, pro football's Jaguars, and the worst drivers in the country. According to a survey conducted by moving company Clever Move, Florida's most-populous city has the highest rate of vehicle deaths in the country, combined with the highest number of uninsured drivers. And it's not like the rest of Florida is any better. Orlando and Tampa are also in the top five. But when asked which city people think has the worst drivers, the top answer was Los Angeles. In fact, L.A. is 10th on the list of cities with the best drivers. New York, perhaps surprisingly, is number one.  

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