Summertime: Let's Enjoy It Like We Used To!

Drive in movie theater

Photo: Matt Carr / Stone / Getty Images

Here are some nostalgic activities you should try this Summer.

Summer means getting out and having as much fun as possible. And who says it’s all about kids? Be a kidult for a change and try some activities from your childhood. Here are a few:

  • See a movie at the drive-in.
  • Blow bubbles.
  • Play tag, hopscotch, or one of your favorite childhood games.
  • Win a prize at the fair.
  • Catch fireflies at night.
  • Build a sandcastle at the beach.
  • Cruise around town on a bike, roller skates, or a skateboard.
  • Do a cannonball into the pool.
  • Enjoy the view from the Ferris Wheel.
  • Run through the sprinklers.
  • Have a water balloon fight.
  • Help your kids host a lemonade stand.
  • Build a fort (indoors or out!)
  • Jump in puddles after a rainstorm.

Source: Real Simple

Children at a Drive-in Movie

Photo: Rebecca Nelson / The Image Bank / Getty Images

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