Matt Appleby

Matt Appleby

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Your Kids To Reach Peak Boredom Next Week!

Funny portrait of a boy

Photo: Click&Boo / Moment / Getty Images

It-seems like only a few days ago summer vacation started. Now were only a few weeks away from school going back in session. Parents will tell ya it hasn't been easy keeping the kids entertained this summer. Unfortunately it's about to get worse! - Matt Appleby

According to a new study of 1,000 parents of school-age kids, they reach peak boredom by August 1st.

  • Moms and dads know it’s coming and 55% of them admit they’re overwhelmed at the idea of keeping their kiddos entertained for the summer.
  • Nearly two-thirds of parents (63%) say they struggle to think of entertaining activities that are also educational to do as a family.
  • Kids don’t mind complaining about being bored when school is out and do it an average of five times a week.
  • Screen time can be a factor, as a third of parents say their kids want more of it during summer break, and 68% of them admit their kids get it.
  • During the school year, kids average about 88 minutes a day of screen time, but in the summer, it increases to 127 minutes - or just over two hours a day.
  • To fight summer boredom, families go to the movies, take trips, and kids play computer games.
  • Parents take kids to five attractions, on average, during the summer to keep the kids entertained, and spend an average of just over $400 on them.

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